Dates  have been one of man’s favorite fruits for about 6000 years

Dates are rich in carbohydrates and some vitamins and minerals, so due to the high sugar level, it can be one of the concernsof people with diabetes

There are different types of dates in our country. On average, each 30 grams of dates has between 70 and 80 kilocalories of energy, about 20 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber; Therefore, it is better to control the amount of its use during the day, especially for diabetics, and this article is contrary to the statement that date sugar is natural

Dates are a good source of a variety of minerals, including magnesium and potassium

It is also rich in fiber, carbohydrates and antioxidants

– Fiber: The fibers in food help to reduce the absorption of blood sugar, thus preventing the increase of blood sugar

Also, the fibers in food feed the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which can be an important part of a person’s health
Magnesium: Magnesium can be suitable for people with diabetes because it plays a role in controlling blood sugar

Studies indicate that people with type 2 diabetes often face a decrease in the amount of magnesium in the body

Taking magnesium can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and blood pressure
Potassium: Research has shown that in people whose blood potassium levels are low (hypokalemia), their insulin and glucose levels are higher than healthy people. In addition, potassium is an important nutrient for controlling blood pressure
– Antioxidants: dates are a good source of polyphenols that can reduce inflammation in the body
?Can diabetic patients eat dates

.The most important point in the diet of diabetics is regulating blood sugar and preventing its fluctuations during the day

So that the diet of a diabetic person should be adjusted under the supervision of a nutritionist and the consumption of carbohydrates should be calculated according to the disease and the drugs used.Although there is no harm in using dates in the amount recommended in the diet of a diabetic person; But due to the unique properties of dates, it can be useful and effective

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