Dates are rich in carbohydrates, sugar, minerals and potassium. Therefore, it is very popular among bodybuilders

Human daily need is 9 mg of iron, which is 3 to 5 mg of iron per 100 grams of dates

By consuming a few dates per day, the daily iron requirement of the body is provided.

Iron in the blood restores and builds red blood cells; Eating dates cures anemia

Properties of dates in bodybuilding

Dates contain various vitamins and minerals. It is also known as a good source of energy, sugar, and fiber

Useful carbohydrates

The main fuel of the body is provided by hydrocarbons. Just as a car cannot move without fuel, the human body cannot move without carbohydrates

One date has about 66 calories and 15 grams of sugar. And this means that a date is full of energy

Due to the low glycemic index of this food, its consumption is recommended to bodybuilders

It is recommended to consume 2 to 4 dates about 30 minutes before the start of training

If the level of bodybuilding training is low, he can eat 4 dates about 90 minutes before training


Prevents muscle spasms

Potassium is another mineral in dates that can be mentioned. During exercise, the amount of potassium in the blood usually decreases

A decrease in potassium in the body causes muscle spasms and muscle weakness, and despite the presence of potassium in dates, bodybuilders are advised to consume a few dates before training. It is interesting to note that the amount of potassium in one date is more than the amount of this mineral in energy drinks

Increase the speed of recovery in the body

The properties of dates in bodybuilding do not end only with supplying energy to athletes! Muscles become very sensitive to insulin after exercise, and the amount of glycogen storage reaches the highest possible level in the body; For this reason, in addition to providing lost energy, the consumption of dates increases the recovery speed of the body after hard sports activities


A natural sweet

The sugar in dates is a natural sweetener, which can be used in smoothies, banana milk and other types of oatmeal without adding extra calories to the body

. Preparing banana milk with a few dates gives a lot of energy to the athlete, which can help a bodybuilder a lot in lifting weights, so don’t forget the dates


Simple snack

If you are looking for a convenient and cheap snack, definitely consider dates

Before going to the gym or on the way to the gym, just eat a few dates. Dates not only provide the energy your body needs, but also prevent you from getting hungry quickly

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